22 Dec
We Are Thankful and Optimistic
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2020 is thankfully drawing to a close. Time to reflect, and time to look ahead. Many of us may describe 2020 by its negative characteristics. At the beginning of the pandemic, we would have, but now are not so sure. Yes, it was bad, and we cannot change that hard fact. But when we look at how the industry reacted, pivoted, and innovated, we can only say what remarkable perseverance and resolve. Greystone is thankful for the front-line workers, for our clients and their residents, and our teams. We mourn the loss of society as we knew it before and recognize once again we must move on to a new normal.

Not all was lost, as our clients continued to move forward no matter the circumstances. Since September, Greystone clients started construction on more than $850 million of expansions, redevelopments, and new campuses. We have learned from this pandemic and will forge ahead with improved solutions and means. That is what we do.

With the rollout of a vaccine and the promise of new perspectives, we are optimistic yet grounded in the reality of much hard work ahead. We are ready, prepared, and look forward to the satisfaction of hard work. That is what it takes.

Let us all use 2021 as the year to shift with purpose, fully adapt to our new reality, become change agents in our businesses, and focus on planning, executing, and navigating foundational building and constructing new ways of thinking and serving. For all of that and more, Greystone is here to help.

Finally, we know that gratitude is what sustains optimism; optimism is grounded in things we control; optimism grows knowing we can guide our direction. In 2020 we witnessed the true commitment of all our combined team members, the flexibility and good spirits of residents, and the clarity of leadership in our client organizations.

Thank you for letting us serve you and for your continued trust in Greystone.

Mark Andrews and John Spooner | Co-CEOs

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