17 Apr
Washington, D.C.
LeadingAge Leadership Summit
LeadingAge Leadership Summit

Greystone is excited to be in D.C. for the LeadingAge Leadership Summit!

If you're attending, be sure to check out our panel:

Capital Projects: Staying on Track in an Era of Uncertainty

Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.

Does slow and steady always win the race? Not necessarily, especially when you’re trying to move a new initiative—including an expansion, renovation, or repositioning—from concept to reality. While nonprofit providers of aging services have a reputation for moving slowly and being risk adverse, these qualities can be a particular disadvantage in a tumultuous business climate like ours. During this session, a panel of LeadingAge business members will present best practices for keeping a variety of capital projects on track and on budget, even in the face of such impediments as labor market shortages, inflation, rising interest rates, inflationary construction costs, declining home values, and the shrinking value of stock portfolios. Get great advice from business experts who partner closely with a wide range of LeadingAge members.

Moderator: ChristieHinrichs, President/CEO, Tabitha Health Care Services


Amy Castleberry, Senior Vice President, Ziegler
Stuart Jackson, Executive Vice President, Greystone
Craig Kimmel, Partner, RLPS Architects

Other upcoming events

LeadingAge Annual Meeting
Oct 27
LeadingAge Annual Meeting

Be sure to check out our session:

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