15 Nov
Looking Back: LeadingAge Annual Conference 2023
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Earlier this month, Greystone attended the annual LeadingAge conference in Chicago. From reconnecting with past and current clients to networking with other senior living professionals, the four-day conference was packed with learning opportunities and ideas for improving.

Leslie Dominguez, Corporate Vice President of Marketing at Greystone, presenting at LeadingAge Annual Conference 2023.

With more than 150 breakout sessions in total, and three of them with Greystone team members, there was much to learn from our peers in Chicago. Key takeaways included:

The question is not if we need to grow, but when and how.

This idea of unavoidable growth is something we touched on in our session on securing your market share. Whether through repositioning, expansion of services, affiliation, or some combination, providers are continuously adapting to respond to the changing consumer mindset.

The best way to tackle employee retention is head-on.

Many of this year's education sessions highlighted ways to reduce turnover, ideas for implementing employee programming, and even evaluated staffing companies and technologies. Greystone's management team continues to face these challenges in our managed communities, so the opportunity to strategize with fellow operators was a valuable experience.

To SNF or not to SNF is the million dollar question.

Operating challenges of skilled nursing beds continues to plague single site and system providers alike. Although there is no one size fits all answer, the question of, "What do we do with our skilled nursing?" was mentioned in nearly every session.

If you missed us in Chicago, feel free to reach out directly or browse our list of services on the website.

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